So here’s the thing…

I have been singing since before I can remember. I believe I have a picture of me at my recital when I was about 5 years old (I was also bald in this photo because chemo is the devil). But even though I’ve been singing in lessons and recitals my whole life, I don’t really mention it openly to anyone – unless of course you’re my family or friends and in that case sorry for the constant singing ! Anywho, me and my amazing vocal teacher Erin Bree recorded a song and video and I though, what the hell, I’m going to post it for everyone to see. I used to be shy about my singing but why should I? I love it! So without further delay, here is our cover of What Is This Feeling from the musical Wicked.

Music Monday – BAD BLOOD


So bad-ass Taylor Swift kills it again. Her music videos are always on point and they’re always visually stunning. Girl is a genius. I can’t even continue with this post because I’m going to go watch this video on replay 5ever. BYE.

-xo V

Music Mondays – iHeartRadio Music Awards 2015

Well the iHeartRadio Music Awards were last night and as always it was a star-studded affair.

While I didn’t watch it live, I caught the highlights and performances online. So I have corralled all my favourite performances from last night and put them all on one page. Let me tell you, it was harder than it should be to find links from last nights performances (what the hell YouTube). They are in no particular order. Continue reading